Quality of life
Quality of life

The quality of life of cancer patients is crucial for the healing process

Doctors are increasingly putting the emphasis on the people actually having the radiotherapy

Cancer and the consequences of treatment often mean a significant impairment of the quality of life of cancer patients, both physically and mentally. Numerous questions about the future arise, all while the patient is having to face the side effects of treatment. The quality of life of cancer patients often suffers during this time – and everything seems to be focused on the disease itself. However in recent years, the approach to both the tumor and the patient has changed. After all, a reduction in the tumor size is of no benefit if the patient does not feel better. And how the quality of life of cancer patients is evaluated is just as individual as the people suffering from the disease.

Quality of life of cancer patients as a signpost for treatment

Until now, it has been difficult to measure quality of life or even its progression during treatment. The Quality of Life Group at the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) has developed a questionnaire for this reason. This questionnaire includes 55 questions about the quality of life of cancer patients. They include points such as “Were you happy with the quality of your social life (including family and/or friends)?”, as well as questions about more far-reaching consequences: “Has your physical condition or your medical treatment had any financial consequences for you?”

People are at the forefront of the work

The use and evaluation of the questionnaires may be associated with a degree of administrative effort, but it does make a considerable contribution to providing the treatment team with information about the quality of life of cancer patients. This knowledge helps the team to make decisions regarding both palliative and curative treatments. If radiotherapy is used palliatively, its primary aim is to bring relief quickly to patients with an incurable condition and to significantly improve their quality of life by providing as much pain relief as possible. If radiation is used to cure the patient, it may also be at the expense of the quality of life of cancer patients if higher doses or more frequent doses are used. Over the long term, and apart from the patient’s individual fate, an analysis of the questionnaires for the future can also provide information about the treatment concepts, radiation dose and quality of life of cancer patients.

After all, although modern radiotherapy now allows the very precise treatment of tumors, the individual and their needs should not be lost sight of. The Radiotherapy Patient System RPS also contributes towards improved patient comfort and safe radiotherapy. The modern, computer-assisted treatment couch ensures that the patient can always be positioned perfectly under the linear accelerator. You will find further information about RPS at info@gkteso.com.