Medical physicist in radiotherapy cancer treatments – responsibility for humans and technology.
Advanced Systems for radiation treatments: Robotic Couch offers 6 degrees of freedom.
Advanced systems for radiation treatments: The RPS Robotic Couch system offers 6 degrees of freedom for radiation cancer treatment. A cancer treatment with radiotherapy is one of the most efficient process against cancer. Modern devices and appliances may seem quite strange at first glance, but the medical physicist in radiotherapy is exactly here in his professional field. For instance, before using a linear accelerator for the very first time for the therapy, the medical physicist in radiotherapy has already thoroughly tested all system components and examined the intensity of the beam based on numerous measurements. It is only when the system provides reliable data that it is used for humans. And in order to ensure treatment quality, the medical physicist in radiotherapy performs, on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, further tests that guarantee a flawless and accurate treatment.
Radiation Dose and Optimal Position Evaluation for radiation Cancer Treatment: RPS System by gKteso offers more benfits for physicits and patients.
The mission of the medical physicist in radiotherapy is to evaluate, using the position and location of the tumor as well as the condition and proximity to vital organs, the radiation dose and to determine the exact radiation angle. Several medical physicists in radiotherapy do their job with full commitment in order to contribute to the improvement of cancer diagnosis and therapy. Therefore, the fact that the Nobel prize has already been granted twice to a medical physicist in radiotherapy is not surprising. Training for medical physicists provides a physical or technical specialization in a university or higher education institution. To work as a medical physicist in radiotherapy, other qualifications are necessary. These include courses on radiation protection and at least two years of practical experience in a clinic. Regular training courses ensure further continuous qualifications.
To have an optimal support in his work the medical physicist in radiotherapy needs state-of-the-art appliances and systems. The Radiotherapy Patient System RPS contribute significantly to make full use of the possibilities offered by modern radiation therapy through improved patient positioning. Moreover, it provides reliable date on the position of the patient and also contributes to treatment’s safety.
Benefits of the new RPS Systems in Radiology Cancer Treatments by 6 DoF Motion Management and more:
- higher cycle time in Radiotherapy Cancer Centers – more patients per day
- improved flow rate in Radiotherapy and Medical centers – better patient handling
- Significant more preparation time for each individual patient
- Improved accuracy in radiotherapy during the treatment by Motion Management and with integrated RFID Control
- Motion management for more accuracy in Radiotherapy treatments by 6 DoF (6 Degrees of Freedom) movements
- Oncology benefits
- Improved documentation for medical records in cancer treatment
- Improved Cost-Effectiveness in Radiation Cancer Treatments
- More Patient Benefits in Radiotherapy Cancer Treatments
- Benfits for Medical Physicists in radiation cancer therapy
- What Physicians should know about modern systems for Radiation Cancer Treatment
- Improved Patient Management System for Radiology Cancer Treatments
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