New radiotherapy systems for improved patient safety and optimal treatment success
Radiotherapy systems are a complex interplay of linear accelerators, imaging techniques and as the basis of the robotic treatment couch. Here, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: All elements of modern radiotherapy systems are mutually complementary and improve each other’s performance possibilities. The Radiotherapy Patient System RPS is a high-end robotic treatment couch for new radiotherapy systems. RPS is an integrated system with low entry height and thus suitable for elderly or weakened patients. The 6DoF robotic treatment couch enables new and enhanced radiation treatment angles in great variety. RPS complements radiotherapy systems and can easily be combined with imaging techniques. The integrated RFID (radio-frequency identification) reader additionally helps to bring the patient into the defined radiation treatment position – also for all of the following radiation treatment sequences.
If you are currently planning to buy a new linear accelerator, you should ask the seller about RPS – with this high-end robotic treatment couch you can fully exploit the potential of modern radiotherapy systems. A new construction or re-construction is not necessary for this – the RPS integrates easily into your existing structure and does not require more space than conventional radiotherapy systems.
Instead of investing solely in the linear accelerator and economizing on patient comfort and safety with a classic radiation treatment couch, you have the chance with RPS to equip with new and from the outset optimal radiotherapy systems. With RPS, allow your medical physicists a new variety of radiation treatment angles without this letting patient comfort be disregarded. The integrated documentation management facilitates the daily work of members of staff and the hospital administration.
Get informed today about RPS and complement your new linear accelerator with this high-end system. Call us on + 49 (0) 8234 / 966 38 41 or make contact by e-mail. Write to and ask for information on RPS.